Monday, August 25, 2008

The Plabnox Cures Book Club: Harold Porter and the Staple Remover

Unless you're still reeling from the The Plabnox Cures Book Club's latest ripsnorting yarn, The Bourne E-mail Attachment, you'll want to move right onto PCBC's latest recommendation, Harold Porter and the Staple Remover, by J. K. Swinnard. For your reading pleasure, here is an excerpt:

It was a dark, starry summer night and Harold Porter, a green-eyed boy with disheveled chestnut hair and a papercut-shaped scar on his forehead, sat in his bungalow bedroom and contemplated his newly burgeoning powers. Recently, he had demonstrated an uncanny knack for filing, sorting, organizing, taking dictation, and word processing. At the stroke of midnight, a knock sounded upon the portal downstairs. Harold's gourd-shaped uncle, the master of the household, answered. Harold, his interest piqued, draped himself over the banister to gaze upon the scene. A tall, thin man who resembled a castle spire stood on the threshold. He cast his eyes upward and introduced himself to Harold, "I'm the hiring officer from Human Resources at Industrial Cubicles, Inc." The hiring officer spread his arms wide, causing his traveling coat to expand like a cape, and proclaimed, "You're an administrative assistant, Harold!!"

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