Are you too busy to read every classic, fascinating, informative, and sensational book out there? Fear not. Drs. and Swinnard present a way to cut your reading time in half: the Plabnox 2-in-1 series. Each book in this series takes the first half of one book and the second half of another and merges them into one volume, allowing you, the reader, to kill two works with one tome. This month, Plabnox premieres the first eleven volumes in the 2-in-1 series. Summaries follow.
9. S/Z: An Essay/The Secret (Fear Street Saga Trilogy, No. 2)
Synopsis: Language is both a luxury and a discipline for Barthes. He pursues a subject through language until he meets an old gypsy who tells him his family will all die in a terrible fire. Terrified, he changes the family name to Fear, but he can't escape the curse.
8. Emma/Powers of Horror
Synopsis: For Emma, raised to think well of herself, has such a high opinion of her own worth that it blinds her to the opinions of others. The story revolves around a comedy of errors: Emma befriends Harriet Smith, a young woman of unknown parentage, and attempts to remake her in her own image. Ignoring the gaping difference in their respective fortunes and stations in life, Emma convinces herself and her friend that Harriet should look as high as Emma herself might for a husband--and she zeroes in on an ambitious vicar as the perfect match. At the same time, she reads too much into an extensive treatise by Julia Kristeva on the subject of abjection and all it entails. Starting with Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan's theories, Kristeva examines horror, marginalization, castration, the phallic signifier, the "I/Not I" dichotomy, the Oedipal complex, exile, and other concepts appropriate to feminist criticism and queer theory.

9. S/Z: An Essay/The Secret (Fear Street Saga Trilogy, No. 2)

10. The Da Vinci Code/Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity

Synopsis: Dan Brown masterfully concocts an intelligent and lucid thriller that marries the gusto of an international murder mystery with a collection of fascinating esoterica culled from 2,000 years of Western history. A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to question traditional and feminist sex/gender distinctions.
11. Little Women/Fetishism and Curiosity

Synopsis: The beautiful Meg, artistic tomboy Jo, doomed Beth, and selfish Amy: since the publication of Little Women in 1869, these four sisters have become America’s most beloved literary siblings. Louisa May Alcott’s rich and realistic portrait has inspired three movies and stirred the emotions of countless young girls. Set in New England during the Civil War, the novel follows the adventures of the March sisters as they struggle to pursue the pleasures, and displeasures, of narrative cinema.
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